Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Better LOGO 

I had created a more interesting version of the dodges logo. In, my opinion is looks good enough to be the current logo.
Since Heritage is an Academy of Visual and Performing Arts school, I  created a logo for the school. Each section of the (H) represents each discipline: Drama, Visual, Dance and Music which technically branches in to vocal and instrumental.



This is my first true experience with adobe flash and animation. I did the run cycle because it was a simple and fundamental thing to learn

No Premission
I  feel that I was always destined to be an artist because both of my parents were...
I personal don't use art to express myself emotionally, I use art to show the world what's ideas I have in my mind. From the whispering meadows I see in my dreams to the unique character I imaged as a child. Art is a way for the world to say whats on their mind without using a single word. 
I believe that .......
Without ART the EARTH would just be "EH"
 Multiple renditions of my logo BT8

I came to this idea fairly easy. When I played football when i was younger, my cousin and I both got the number 8 at one point in time. My last name is Taitt , T8. So it works

Wednesday, August 12, 2015