For this series i did some of the elements of nature. I finished the center water girl but i never took the picture


moments before the end

Out There  On  the Ocean



Artist Statement 

 I feel that my style is a semi realistic, many of my peices still have a cartoon-ish feel. Overall I've noticed that  i gravitate toward cools then adding a hint of warmth. And no I do not only paint/draw females, I draw guys too. Its just that woman ten to have a wow factor and appeal even. 



Dream Board

Falling Reality 

Fall: "move downward, typically rapidly and freely without control." Sometimes in life, it feels like have no control and things slip away from us rapidly. This can create what we feel as chaos but occasionally, there's beauty in chaos. The point of the piece was to emulate that feeling. The woman is indeed falling presumable without control, but theres more. The background descends from a chaotic top to a simpler bottom. 

Cool Whispers of HER

The cool colors of the piece emulate a sense of peace and balance. The  point of the project was to not use local colors. This made it easier to portray this vibe. 


Movement is a powerful thing. It happens all around us. The point of this piece was to show that breath taking moment in dance through "cubism". Acrylic paint and a poster-type board was the medium. Something that could have taken the artwork farther might have be to start off with a cubist background.

Emotional Tension

The point of this piece was to show emotions through color. I decided to display this by using two opposing colors and emotions. It is composed of water color paper and tempera paint. Honestly, I never got around to finishing it. 1) I couldn't find it.  2) I'm not found of tempera paint.  In the future, I may redo the whole thing on a new canvas and use acrylic paint but still maintain the central idea.

The "Holey" One

This was created to emulate a hole in the wall with paint coming out. The piece is composed of sheetrock and tempera paint. One thing I should have tried was to use a hot glue gun and layer it over the rainbow paint. And then paint a thin layer over it. This would have made it look like real paint was coming through the broken sheetrock.


This is a dreamboard representing the multiples paths that I can take in life that all lead to the same thing, my happiness and success.

Winter's Point 

A fun pointillism piece that was inspired my many Christmas songs. 

Colors of the TREEEEE!!!!!!

Just an experimentally fun piece that involve sharpie and watercolor.

I was never given back my bonsai tree for the monastery art project.


  1. I like how you use cool colors in most of your works, it could be a theme if you decide to create a collection.

  2. I really like the "Falling Reality" piece. Your use of the monochromatic values are super awesome and make it very easy going on the eyes, not to mention how it portrays that she is falling deeper and deeper.

  3. I love your pointillism piece!! It's so creative

  4. Your "Holey One" was cool, but I feel like the colors could be more brighter/colorful.

  5. I love how you used the bubble cloud in your dream board! I think it is very neat and clean. The silhouettes look amazing, and they flow well together.

  6. I like the fact that you made the picture black and white, I think those colors really suites your dream board. The silhouettes look really good and the picture in general looks really good!

  7. I like where you was going with the dream board. Shows you actually dreaming

  8. Your "Out There On The Ocean" piece if my favorite. You did a really good job with it and it has a lot of details. It is very nice. Good job.

  9. I love your water color piece. I love all of the blue colors and all the details you added to the waves
