Friday, April 22, 2016

This is supposed to reflect on me in some way. The piece 
was meant to show how I can find my way even throughout the darkness. Its also was meant to show that i am a curious and wandering person. In some ways it shows how brave one is to even go through the dark nest. The forest was supposed to emulate a maze of troubles and obstacles that I have to face in life. But, I still press on. Long story short, I like the piece's concept, but  I just wish I had a day or two more to finish it.
2nd Version
This version of the image, in my opinion is a lot more intriguing. Instead of  on wander carelessly through the night (troubles of life),  in the second version the person is exploring his surrounding but still focus ing on the goal. The goal of reaching a higher purpose, a "Personal Legend" of some sort. The colors in general give a majestic scenes but still holds truth toward the dark, gloominess of life. The Darkness in which all must travel throughout in order to find there true self .

Friday, April 1, 2016

my favorite artist

One of my Favorite artists is Ross Tran.  He is an energetic youtuber that makes crazyyyy sound effects while being entertainingly talented at digital art.