Thursday, March 2, 2017

Ross Tran:  Moana

This is an Adobe Photoshop digital painting of Ross Tran's interpretation of Disney's Moana. The piece shows a girl holding a blue object and is surrounded by water. She is dressed in scarlet top with white details. The water is splashing and the sky looks to be in the evening.
Majority of the piece uses a warm color scheme has a balance. I can tell that he used the color dodge tool to brighten the values of  the blues to help it appear like it's glowing. He use of  motion is power with her hair in the wind and the water splashing  with such energy.
The girl is seen looking of  into  the distance. I get a sense of curiosity and determination. The bright blues give me that feeling of excitement and power.  I believe that he was trying make the view feel these emotions when they look at it. These are common feeling that are used in his pieces.
Overall, I feel that Ross Tran did  an amazing job for his own interpretation  of Disney's Moana. His used of the color dodge tool and his sense of color theory really helps makes the piece feel together. His compositions has guiding lines  in the water that keep my eye at the two most important things her curious and determined eyes and that blue glowing and powerful orb. Ross Tran truly made a successfully elegant and together piece.

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